Boy am I tired from my visit home! Just as Hannah did here are the highlights:
Tuesday: Woke up at 4am and drove to Denver, I thought it would take 6 hours but it took 8! Hopped a plane and flew home!
Wednesday: Went to Auntie's House to borrow a kitchen scale. Went to lunch with Mom, Met with Cousin Christa and played with Logan, went to dinner with Dad and observed while he got a tattoo, Made lots of Buttercream.
Thursday: Built a wedding cake, Went to Bob and Nancy's to hang with Hannah and Gracie, went to Decorette shop to get the Luster Dust....that I didn't use, Went to dinner with Sandra at Ixtapa, Made even more Buttercream and some modeling chocolate.
Friday: Decorated Wedding cake....with some minor problems, went to Old Navy and Target with Hannah and Gracie to get a few last minute items for the wedding, went straight to Rehearsal delt with "Viv" AKA crazy wedding planner, Went to Rehearsal Dinner.
Saturday: Picked up wedding cake with Dad, Set up wedding cake, Went to Church to get dressed, went to wedding...I sat with Nancy it was fun, Went to reception chatted with Craig, became BFF (Best Friends Forever)with Ella the 4 year old flower girl, after wedding went to Tori's house and then out for dessert.
Sunday: Church to see Gracie dedicated, BBQ at Bob and Nancy's, Dinner at my house with entire family.
Monday: Met Hannah N and Emmett at Washington Square, Had Lunch with Hannah B, Gracie, Hannah N. and Emmett, Went to Hannah B's house to chat, Went home to show Mom how to Temper Chocolate.
Tuesday: Went to Coffee with Deloris, Went to Lunch with Hannah B and Gracie, Went out Dairy Queen and packed with Sandra.
Wednesday: Woke up at 4:30 am went to Airport flew to Oakland then Denver and then drove 7-8 hours to get home. I thought the drive from Denver to Telluride would go faster if I took the freeway...turns out its an hour longer! But the highlight to my drive was the guy at the gas station gave me a discount on my water because I am so beautiful....well that's what he told me.
Even though I was crazy busy....I had a great time!
I was so happy that I got to hang out with you while you were home! It makes me miss you even more when I get you for just a little while. Emmett had a great time too! Love you!!
Thanks for the chocolates! I'm rationing them to make them l..a..s..t..! It was fun to see you again!!
P.S. You look *H*O*T* in your black strapless!!
You're the bestest! I'm so glad it worked out for you to come home. The cake was BEAUTIFUL and we loved it!
Can I sue for copyright on the picture you posted? =) Well, you look way sexier than me, so I guess better posted on your blog than mine.
I had a ton of fun, and am sooooo glad I got to hog you for so much of your time. I can't wait til you move home next year! ;)
If you ever need to break up your trip and stay overnight in the Springs- look me up! If you're still around next summer Tim and I will have to come visit.
-Amy Chapman Porter
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