Wednesday, June 11, 2008

The one with Ross's sandwhich

The other day I was looking to see what I had for food in the freezer, I found the last container of Thanksgiving dinner that my Mom had made me. Since I decided to eat all the food in the Kitchen before I leave, I thought lets make a turkey sandwich! So I went to the store and bought cranberries and some cream cheese. When I came home I defrosted everything and built my sandwich. I would have to say that this sandwich was even better then the ultimate sandwich 2008 that I made a few months ago. I grilled up my bread and put cream cheese and both sides and one side got cranberries and turkey, the other side got stuffing, the best part was I had soaked another piece of bread in some gravy (some might call it a "moist maker"). That third piece of bread went smack in the middle. I got the idea of the "Moist Maker from the show Friends. Apparently Monica makes a great turkey sandwich with a moist maker in it and someone steals the sandwich out of the fridge at Ross's work. To quote Ross "Somebody stole the only thing good going on in my life!" Seriously you should make this sandwich, it is Delicious!


Chris Schlarbaum said...

A "moist maker"? Is this a culinary term? Or is this something those east coast people do? Glad you finished up the leftovers.

Anonymous said...

that sounds yummy!

Anonymous said...

I LOVE F.R.I.E.N.D.S!!! :)