Monday, March 24, 2008

Ultimate Sandwhich 2008!

Happy Easter everyone! I cleaned out my car yesterday, it was getting to be a bit of a black hole. While cleaning I found a map of NYC and a map of Memphis...both very important when you live in Colorado! I also found 5 empty Starbucks cups, pretty impressive when you don't live within a 50 mile radius of one! After cleaning my car I went to the gas station to vacuum it out. Turned out the only public vacuum in all of Telluride is out of order! What luck!
I also decided yesterday that I needed to make the Ultimate Sandwich for dinner. I went to the store and stayed there for probably and hour trying to decide on what kind of sandwich. I made some phone calls to Andy and Molly to find the perfect kind of cheese for this sandwich adventure. I ended up with a Salami, roast beef and Swiss Sandwich. I also roasted some garlic and put that on the bread and then the cheese. Onions, tomatoes and cucumbers...I don't really like buying lettuce cause you get so much and I never eat it. I wanted the fresh veggie taste along with the crunchiness, so Cucumbers were my best bet! Let me tell you it was a religious experience eating that sandwich!
My car did get fixed, thanks to Happy Tapia (I think his real name is Ralph). It was the thermostat and the best part is Happy fixed my radio! My radio hasn't worked since before I went home for Dorsey's wedding! I am so happy that my radio works!

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

your sandwich sounds yummy!