I really don't enjoy looking for places to live. It's a little stressful and I hate to make the commitment to the lease and really I just hate it! Luckily enough I have this pretty awesome cousin who lived in SE Portland in a 2 bedroom house all by herself! She knew I was moving and asked me if I wanted to move in. At first I said I couldn't cause I came across this sweet deal to live in Wilsonville, rent free! A Starbucks customer of mine said the house was his mothers and when she past away they started using it as storage. He offered it to me free of charge! Awesome! Well, turns out it sits in Charbonneau (which is a golf club) and well, I would have to pay club dues, utilities and the added cost of the commute to my Starbucks out at the airport. When I went out to look at the house it was not so much trashed, it was just that the last person who lived there (his niece) never cleaned it. So, you know when you are cleaning out a room and move some furniture you find a build up of dust or random items such as paper clips, old receipts, pens, scrap paper....etc. She never cleaned that up or vacuumed up all the dog and cat hair. While showing me around the house we came across a cat box that had been there for a year! Not Cleaned! Sick!
Aside from the nastiness of the house, it was so out of date! I had never seen the style microwave that was in there. It had all sorts of dials and no buttons. It was weird! So, needless to say I decided against the gross "Free" house.
That very day, I sent Laura, my cousin a little note asking if she was still in the market for a roommate. Turns out she was, about a month later, I moved in. Highlights to Laura's house:
An upstairs room, with a blue walls and big window!
A big kid bed (I used to sleep on a twin sized bed).
My very own bathroom!
a Giant closet that has a little step in it. Seriously the step was my favorite part!
A microwave and saran wrap.
a pantry that can hold my mixer so I don't have to haul it up and down stairs.
Tonya (a friend of ours) comes over all the time and sometimes we cook.
There is a sewing machine that I can use for my quilting class.
A treadmill in case I want to use it.
I am sure the list will continue to go on the longer I live here. Thanks Cousin Laura for taking me in, I really appreciate it!