Sunday, May 10, 2009

Grillin Out!

This weekend was the end of my super busy work schedule! Sunday is graduation at Lewis and Clark and now all that is left is the Law School graduation! After that is random catering events and cookies for their cafe downstairs. So, today (Sunday) I got up made some breakfast and then went to church with Tori and her friend Ray. We went to Lunch at the New Deal Cafe that is just around the corner from our house and on the way we saw that someone was getting rid of their grill for FREE! Just this morning I was telling Tori that I wished we had a grill of some sort so that we could grill veggies, burgers, meat....all sorts of yummy things! I said all I needed was a small tiny one or even one that sits on the stove top. So after our delicious lunch Ray offered to help me drag it back to the house, so Tori dropped us off and we were looking at it and the owners son said that it works great but the piece in the middle that helps cook everything evenly had been corroded but you could get one at Home Depot for like $10. So, Ray and I decided to take a chance and clean her up! So, she still needs the inside part and a propane tank but I think that the $50-$75 that he thinks we will spend is a good deal for a grill! Tori was alright with me bringing it home as long as I take it with me if I move out! Maybe next weekend we will have a cook out!

Happy Mother's Day to my Mom and all the other Mothers I know!!