Thursday, May 14, 2009

Farmer's Market!

Well, clear your calendars for July Fourth...Cause you're all going to the Farmer's Market in Sherwood Oregon to see me. Turns out that they had an opening for the 4Th so I am now booth 3 and will be selling chocolates. It will be just for the one time and who knows if I will make any money but I think it will be fun and will be a chance to get my name out there. So, if you're not out of should come by! The hours are 9 am to 1 pm.

I am still in need of a licensed kitchen but I think I could probably find one and I need to get my Health Department papers and such done. I will also need a tent to stand over my spot (keep the sun out) a table or two and probably a couple ice chests. So if anyone can help me out with any of this, I would greatly appreciate it! Might even pay you in some chocolate!

1 comment:

Hannah said...

We have a big table, and Shannon has one that "matches." They are both pretty beat up, but if you throw a cloth over them, no one will ever know. I have a cooler you can use too... and I'll keep my eyes open for a tent. How fun!