Sunday, April 26, 2009

R.I.P Montgomery Mouse

This last week Tori and I finally decided to get serious about catching our 4th roommate Monty Mouse. He has been living with us since Thanksgiving/christmas. He really wasn't too much of a problem until he started eating my clothes and leaving little mouse poops around the house. So, we had bought a mouse friendly trap and thought maybe he would want to investigate that, but he didn't. Tori then bought some unfriendly mouse traps and she put those out. The trap said that you don't need bait, that the plastic peice of cheese was suppose to fool him into stepping on the trap. It didn't, in fact he just ran around them. We kinda knew they wouldn't work but we were a little worried about Murphy getting into the traps if we put peanutbutter on them. So, this last week we put some peanut buttter on one trap and by the evening we had caught him. Although, the trap only caught his leg and when I came home I found him in a different part of the house then where we had set the trap. He was dead but murphy was standing over him and Monty appeared to be wet. I am sure you can put together what may have happened. We are going to set more traps and see if maybe he had some friends that lived here too!

At work we have been going through dishwashers like crazy! For awhile there was this girl who was pregnant and was kinda stocking me at work. But, she ended up getting fired because one day our Executive Chef Aaron caught her just standing around. He asked her what she was doing and she replied "nothing". Not the brightest bulb! I mean come on, he's your boss....make up something! Then there was this really skinny guy from the south somewhere, who rumor had it was the baby daddy for the girl who just got fired. He was a little weird, he got fired for creeping out the college girls! So, now we have this new guy who is the spitting image of Edward Scissor hands! Aside from the fact that he doesn't have spiky hair and is not Johnny Depp and well he is also missing the scissors for hands, he looks just like him. He is painfully thin, pale and greasy black hair and is a little bug eyed. When my friend Dale came into the bakery to discuss the craziness of the dish room, we both thought he looked like Edward Scissor hands! So, now as a little nick name that only dale, P.V. and I refer to him as Edward Scrubby hands! P.V. thought Edward sponge hands but I thought scrubby hands rolled of the tongue better. He is actually a really nice guy who is really good at his job. I was outside the other day and was talking with him. He has a tattoo on the side of his head, and he complimented me on staying so lean while working in the bakery. Oh, Edward Scrubby's not going to work out between us, go ahead and save the sweet talk for someone else. Maybe someone pale and painfully thin just like him!

So, Tori and I got internet! We are both pretty excited about it, so maybe I will blog more when I can blog from the privacy of my own house!


Nicole B. said...

LOL..."Edward Scrubbing Hands" Oh Mandy, I love reading your blog =)

Anonymous said...

were you hoping to set the mouse free in the countryside so he could meet a friendly opossum and wise-cracking owl?