Friday, December 5, 2008

Team Marty ~ 1, Team Amanda ~ everyone else!

These last couple of weeks have been pretty interesting. Starbucks has been crazy busy and a lot of fun. I have decided to start learning all my customers names I have got about 20 of them down. Bon Appetite is slowly getting better, the bakery lead is leaving around Christmas and not coming back. We are all pretty excited about him leaving. With him gone, that means more responsibilities for the three of us left in the bakery. I will be taking over the catering side which means I now have a meeting every Thursday.
This last week was a little rough, Tuesday I woke up pretty late. I usually wake up at 3 am and get dressed and head to Starbucks but that morning I fell back asleep for 45 minutes and had to rush out of the house. When leaving my house I walked right into the biggest mambo jambo spider web EVER! It was seriously the size of my face! I wouldn't be surprised if Spiderman himself spun the web, it was that big. My face nearly bounced back...sadly the web clung to my face and I was for sure there was a huge hairy spider on me. All day I felt as though there were spiders crawling in my hair! I then went to Starbucks where I was a little grumpy and was pretty happy to leave at 10 am. When I got to Bon Appetite Marty decided to have a meeting with our Sous Chef ( She is second in command) to tell me how terrible of an employee I was. Needless to say I was pretty upset at the end of the meeting. When he went home for the day I went and talked to the Executive Chef and he told me that Marty is an idiot and not to listen to him. That made me feel a lot better! Don't worry my day wasn't quite over yet! When I got home, I went straight to bed only to find that Murphy had Peed on my pillows! Well I assume it was Murphy, Tori doesn't usually do that! So then I had to wash my pillows and ended up sleeping on a stack of towels! We think Murphy is mad at us because we aren't always home, about a week or so ago he peed on Tori's rain coat, luckily it was a rain coat and not her pillows! The rest of the week went ok, Marty started being nice to me again...although I don't trust it! Thankfully he will be gone after Christmas....Merry Christmas to us!

1 comment:

Nicole B. said...

I'm so sorry you had such a terrible day =( And, just so you know, I think you're awesome!