Saturday, November 15, 2008


Well it has been a quick month and a half since I last blogged. Sorry, although I don't have internet at home and get off of work after the library closes...not so much my fault. Both works are going fine. I was a little stressed out there for a while. Starbucks was messing with my schedule and Bon Appetite was just frustrating. I now have a set schedule that I work and it is working out wonderfully.
A couple of weeks ago I had a wedding cake down in corvallis. I baked all the cake at my house and made buttercream at Aunt Mel's house. The cake turned out really nice. It was very plain but I usually feel that less is better. I drove down to Corvallis on Friday and spent the night at Aunt Mel's house and the next morning she and I went to deliver the cake. When we were done I hung out with Uncle Jack for awhile and then drove all the way back to Portland. Here is a picture of the cake, when I first dropped off the cake there was no table cloth of even flowers for the top. I am glad they changed that...It looks much better.

Since I now open Starbucks everyday during the week I have started to get to know the regulars more. My co worker Carolyn told me that I had to learn the names of 5 different customers during my shift. I actually learn 8! I mean really 5? come on give me a challenge! There is Judy ~ Grande extra Caramel, Caramel Frappachino, Janice ~ Venti non fat Caramel Macchiato, Taryn (the pregnant lady) ~ Grande 3 pump non fat no whip mocha, Don ~ Venti no room Americano with a double cup, Pete ~ Doppio espresso with 1" of steamed milk and a tall ice water, Shelia ~ Venti non fat no whip Hot chocolate, Ashley ~ either or both a tall Caramel Macchiato, Grande non fat extra foamy latte, Bobbi ~ Venti Light whip pumpkin spice latte. That's right I know my customers!
Last week I went to lunch with Sandra and after lunch signed me up for my 401K. Now I really feel like an adult! She invited me to go to the blazer game the next night. Our tickets were on the 100 level and we had so much fun! Her friends Woodley and Kristi came with us. I haven't watched a blazer game in a really long time! This game made me want to be a blazer fan again! We ended up winning by 2 or 3 points.

Things will calm down a little in December. Bon Appetite will close for about a month for Christmas break. So, if anyone needs any ganaches, turtles, truffles...let me know. I will be charging $10 for Ganache, $1.75 each for Turtle and $1.25 each for truffles. Or really if you need pies, cakes ect. just let me know!

1 comment:

Mel G. said...

Hey you, thanks for the catch up. No internet at home does make the blog thing a challenge. But after learning those customers names and orders, I think you can pretty much do ANYthing!
Talked to the mom of the bride from the wedding here. She said they LOVED the cake. Saving the top for their 1st anniversary. Nicely done!
love you!