Friday, December 19, 2008

Ding Dong...the jerk is gone!

About a week or so ago Marty (old bakery lead)started asking us what he should be doing at work. When I say we I really mean Michele and Shari...he wouldn't speak, look or even acknowledge me! I found it pretty funny...and figured no words said to me were better then one word! We had a big brunch on Sunday that he was suppose to help us out with and work at, but decided that he wasn't going to do that. Instead I found out on Sunday that he was going to burn out the rest of his sick days and not come back! I was so excited, which my excitement was interrupted by a big banana fiasco. We needed frozen bananas and hadn't started had to be there!
I safely traveled to and from both my jobs this week with all the snow. On Sunday, Michele taught me how to ride the bus. Being that Lewis and Clark sits on a big curvy hill, my only option was to ride the bus home. It wasn't too bad, it took about 1 and 1/2 hours to get home. Then in the Morning I walked the 6 blocks to the Max station to get to Starbucks. We opened at 6:30 rather then 5am for Monday and Tuesday. I prefer the Max to the bus, Mainly it's just faster!
Well, I hope everyone has a good Christmas, I will be in Idaho with my sister's family. As long as the weather permits us to drive up there!

1 comment:

Mel G. said...

Glad to hear you are getting around OK. Looks like we probably won't see you Saturday. There's another major storm blowing in for the weekend. Have fun. Hug everyone in Idaho for us!