I have also decided to become an Olympic swimmer. I figure I have 4 years to become the best in the country...not a problem. Think of the fun I will have going to the Olympics! I would definitely become good friends with Michael Phelps, they would talk about our great friendship in interviews and we would say things like "we're practically brother and sister". We would listen to the same music on our ipods, and have stories about stupid stuff that would only make us laugh.
While I was racing the cameras would pan to the audience to show the reactions of my family and Debbie Phelps. Which they would all be excited and crying because I would have just beat the world record and won the gold. When the award ceremony came around I would wave and hug and kiss my competitors and I would stand all proud and probably cry and sing along when they played the national anthem. I might as well, I almost cry and I do sing every time just watching it. The big story would be about how I decided to become an Olympic swimmer at age 28 and made it to my first Olympics at 32! So, all I have to do now is basically learn to swim. I mean I can swim but not for a long distance and not very fast...but like I said...not a problem!
I thought about going into Gymnastics but lets face it, I am about 5 foot 10ish and really I am a giant among those girls! I can't even do a cart wheel, hurl my self towards the ground and relying on my arms to catch me is really not a good idea! Beach Volleyball could be fun but I have always kinda hated volleyball! I mean I played volleyball in middle school because that's what 7Th and 8Th grade girls did. I also played for church but that was really just so I could go to the tournament and see my friends from Idaho and Washington. So, I figured I wouldn't enjoy it again, not to mention the fact that they play in a sporty bikini! I mean really I am not about to do that, the other day the announcer said told the whole world that one of the Belgium girls was 6 foot 4 inches and weighed 195 pounds! Really, the whole world Folks! I mean she didn't look bad in her bikini but still did we really need to hear her weight? Wish me luck on becoming the World greatest swimmer!
I worked a lot this last week at Starbucks and also found out I got a job at Lewis and Clark College through Bon Appetite. I will be a pastry cook there and work Sunday through Thursday while maintaining my job at Starbucks. I think it will be fun and tiring. So wish me luck!
I also This last weekend made a cake for Hannah B. She was hosting a bridal shower at her house and needed a cake. So, here's a picture of that cake. She really liked it, although I was having issue with my butter cream because that day was pretty hot. It still looks pretty good and you can't tell in the picture!